This script will provide a basic integration between HomeSeer and SNMP capable devices. (RFC-1157)
What does it do?
- Poll an SNMP capable device to retrieve system info
- NOTE: this first release (by default) checks disk status on a QNAP NAS. You can easily modify the script to pick up SNMP information from other devices.
MIB: collection of management information available for a device. You can download MIB files on equipment vendor websites. (Wikipedia)
DJ_SNMP script v0.2 (Sep 13 2010)
Installation Notes
For more details also check the .vb script itself
- Copy DJ_SNMP_xx.vb to your HomeSeer \scripts directory
- Copy xxxx DLL files (see first post on Domoticaforum or
here) to the C:\ directory- NOTE: you can also use a different directory, as long as you specify the correct directory in the next step
- NOTE: at the end I copied the files to C:\, the HS directory and the Windows system32 directory. I haven’t figured out where they can be removed but it’s working now.
- Modify the \HomeSeer 2\Config\settings.ini, adding the next content to the “ScriptingReferences=” line.
- ,SNMPDLL;SNMPDll.dll,TableReader;TableReader.dll
- if the DLL files are in C:\ you have to add:
- SNMPDLL;C:\SNMPDll.dll,TableReader;C:\TableReader.dll
- Modify the DJ_SNMP_xx.vb script parameters. (instructions in script)
- IP address of SNMP capable device
- public and private strings
- Functions that get values and write them to your log-file or HS device.
When entering SNMP numbers (like, please check if you are using the correct ID’s by running the MIB browser (see link below)
Find the right SNMP object numbers You can use a MIB browser. Example:
- (All platforms) iReasoning MIB Broswer (free version – good enough)
By connecting this app to a device it will show the default data that can be extracted from the device. To get specific data you have to load a MIB. Go to your Vendor website to get device-specific MIB files.
Enable SNMP Your device needs to support SNMP and it needs to be configured. Here’s some links on how to configure SNMP:
- SEV3: (DJ) Make it universal / GUI-driven / using .INI file?
The default script is configured to get information from a QNAP NAS
To get the NAS specific information you have to download the QNAP NAS MIB file. This MIB file can be downloaded from the SNMP configuration page (see screenshot)
Dear DJ,
Is it possible to display the status of a device that i have polled with the DJ SNMP script on the homeseer status page
I can see my QNAP NAS HD status en and the four HD temperatures in the log but i do not now how to display them on the Homeseer status page as a device
Best regards PT1
If you look in the script you’ll see the command that trigger the polling.
‘GetSNMP(,,,,a) (do NOT change the ‘a’)
‘DJ: debug 0=write 1=write+log 2=log
Example: GetSNMP(“HD_temp1″,”.″,”A5″,0,a)
When you enter the in the GetSNMP command (A5 in the above example) it should write to that device, providing that this device exists.
NOTE: when the debug is set to 2 (log only) nothing will be written to the device. Debug level 1 will write to the log _and_ to the device. In the above example debug is set to ‘0’=write to device
Ok, thank you for the quick respons, i had already figured out, works great
thanks. for sharing
Im trying to find a script that will query my qnap nas
how do I di this?
Im trying to find a script that will query a qnap nas
with sime info can you help?
You can use the info above.. Other than that I cannot help you. Don’t have a QNAP NAS anymore.