
SNMP — 6 Comments

  1. Dear DJ,
    Is it possible to display the status of a device that i have polled with the DJ SNMP script on the homeseer status page
    I can see my QNAP NAS HD status en and the four HD temperatures in the log but i do not now how to display them on the Homeseer status page as a device
    Best regards PT1

  2. If you look in the script you’ll see the command that trigger the polling.

    ‘GetSNMP(,,,,a) (do NOT change the ‘a’)
    ‘DJ: debug 0=write 1=write+log 2=log
    Example: GetSNMP(“HD_temp1″,”.″,”A5″,0,a)

    When you enter the in the GetSNMP command (A5 in the above example) it should write to that device, providing that this device exists.

    NOTE: when the debug is set to 2 (log only) nothing will be written to the device. Debug level 1 will write to the log _and_ to the device. In the above example debug is set to ‘0’=write to device

    • Ok, thank you for the quick respons, i had already figured out, works great
      thanks. for sharing

    • Hi,

      Im trying to find a script that will query my qnap nas
      how do I di this?

  3. Hi,

    Im trying to find a script that will query a qnap nas
    with sime info can you help?

    • You can use the info above.. Other than that I cannot help you. Don’t have a QNAP NAS anymore.