Updated Webcam script 0.3
Finally – being triggered by Jaybee’s discussion on Domoticaforum.eu I wanted to simplify my webcam script, taking away the need of running 1 script on the HS web server and 1 script on a generic IIS web server. It worked!
On the WebCam script page you will find more details regarding this update. One major change: Instead of numbering the captured images (like 0093, 0094, 0095 etc) I now add the date and time to the file name (like “…-2011-12-27_14-38-02”). Now you don’t have a problem to see when which image was captured if for some reason the date-created of the file was reset. (example: after FTP’ing the file)
Screenshot of new file names
The Webcam Script page has more information on how to convert existing ‘numbered’ files to files that contain a date and time.
Thank you for the updated script. It’s not the easiest but it works extremely well
The webcamscript works fanstatic ! Thanks DJ !!
The command for the D-Link DCS-932L IP-camera is:
Thanks again !