The Ubi – voice control
“Always-on, always ready, voice-activated. Ubi is an ubiquitous computer. Just plug it in, talk to it and it’ll help you connect to your world.”
Interesting.. Such a small device that does voice-recognition, text-to-speech and a lot more..
It runs Android and appears to have a fairly open architecture.
It only consumes between 3-10 Watts and uses Wifi for connectivity.
It has a sound output for better speakers in case it’s used with Music.
It monitors temperature, humidity, air pressure and ambiend light.
And besides this you can also use it as baby monitor, voice memo’s, intercom and alarm clock..
Price: $ 219/piece (excl. shipping). Strange: on Kickstarter it’s $189. ???
So did I order one?
No… Why?
What should I do with it??
How can I use this is my automated home? What’s a good use-case?
Please help me because I want one…
more info on The UBI website or Kickstarter.